TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Sux they put the article at the VERY BACK of the magazine..
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Subject Sux they put the article at the VERY BACK of the magazine..
Posted by 91300zxttkid on June 20, 2008 at 5:53 PM
  This message has been viewed 128 times.
In Reply To I thought this was pretty cool... posted by Barry (NJ) on June 20, 2008 at 08:55 AM
Message Anyway still cool, I picked it up as well.
I am on the 2nd page of it I belive, Im standing in the front of the lunch line with my hands in my pockets and my gf in the green shirt is in front of me lol.
It was pretty cool to see that.

The RX7 in that mag was pretty nice, along with that all carbon R32 GTR =)


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